约翰福音 |
标题 |
英文翻译 |
第一周 |
话成了肉体 |
The Word Became Flesh |
基督乃是通天的梯子 |
Christ Is the Ladder Leading to Heaven |
变死亡为生命 |
Changing Death into Life |
从那灵生的就是灵 |
Which Is Born of the Spirit Is spirit |
神爱世人 |
God So Loved the World |
在灵和真实里敬拜 |
Worshiping in Spirit and Truthfulness |
重生 |
Naturalized or Reborn? |
第二周 |
已经出死入生了 |
Having Passed out of Death Into Life |
到主这里来得生命 |
Coming to the Lord That You May Have Life |
人若吃这粮就必永远活着 |
If Anyone Eats of This Bread, He Shall Live Forever |
主的话就是灵就是生命 |
The Lord's Words Are Spirit and Are Life |
进入美地的安息 |
Entering into the Rest of the Good Land |
那时还没有那灵,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀 |
For the Spirit Was not Yet, Because Jesus Had not Yet Been Glorified |
包罗一切的美妙饮料 |
An All-inclusive Wonderful Drink |
第三周 |
真理必叫你们得以自由 |
The Truth Shall Set You Free |
顺从主赐生命的话 |
Obeying the Life-giving Word of the Lord |
成为一群,归一个牧人 |
There Shall Be One Flock, One Shepherd |
乃是为着神的荣耀 |
But for the Glory of God |
主是复活,主是生命 |
The Lord Is the Resurrection and the Life |
神圣生命的繁殖 |
The Propagation of the Divne Life |
一粒麦子结出许多子粒 |
The Grain of Wheat Bears Much Fruit |
第四周 |
我们也当彼此洗脚 |
We Also Ought to Wash One Another's Feet |
主就是道路实际生命 |
The Lord Is the Way and the Reality and the Life |
神与人的合并 |
The Incooperation of God and Man |
三一神的生机体 |
The Organism of the Triune God |
只等实际的灵来了 |
The Spirit of Reality Comes |
神圣奥秘的范围 |
The Divine and Mystical Realm |
葡萄树与枝子 |
The Vine and the Branches |
第五周 |
使你爱我的爱在他们里面 |
The Love with Which You Have Loved Me May Be in Them |
凡属真理的人,就听主的声音 |
Every One Who Is of the Truth Hears the Lord's Voice |
随即有血和水流出来 |
Immediately There Came out Blood and Water |
主的复活已经成就了 |
The Lord's Resurrection Had Been Accomplished |
你们受圣灵 |
Receive the Holy Spirit |
叫我们信耶稣是基督 |
We May Believe That Jesus Is the Christ |
基督的死而复活 |
The Death and Resurrection of Christ |