马可福音 |
标题 |
英文翻译 |
第一周 |
豫备主的道路,修直祂的途径 |
Prepare the Way of the Lord, Make Straight His Paths |
神的国已经临近了 |
The Kingdom of God Has Drawn Near |
清早,耶稣起来,在那里祷告 |
Rising Very Early in the Morning, Jesus Prayed |
主来本不是召义人,乃是召罪人 |
The Lord Did not Come to Call the Righteous, but Sinners |
把信祂的罪人作成祂属灵的亲属 |
Making the Believing Sinners His Spiritual Relatives |
那撒在好土里的 |
The Ones Sown on the Good Earth |
福音的种子 |
The Seed of the Gospel |
第二周 |
耶稣对他们动了慈心 |
Jesus Was Moved with Compassion for Them |
救主顾念跟从祂的人 |
Savior Cares for His Followers |
救主亲切慈爱的关心 |
Savior's Intimate and Loving Care |
若有人要跟从主,就当否认己 |
If Anyone Wants to Follow after the Lord, Let Him Deny Himself |
盐若失了味,可用什么叫它再咸 |
If the Salt Becomes Unsalty, with What Will You Restore Its Saltiness? |
并且要舍命,作多人的赎价 |
Giving His Life as a Ransom for Many |
不再是我乃是基督 |
No Longer I but Christ |
第三周 |
房角的头块石头 |
The Head of the Corner |
穷寡妇的奉献 |
The Widow's Offering |
新约这新的筵席 |
This New Feast of the New Testament |
只要照你的意思 |
Yet Not What I Will, But What You Will |
耶稣说,我是! |
Jesus Said, I Am |
他们带耶稣到了各各他 |
They Took Jesus to Golgotha |
耶稣被钉十字架 |
Jesus Being Crucified |